Anne Ruh
Dabei seit: Frühjahr 2011
Stücke und Rollen:
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (7 of Spades, Juror 3, Nurse)
Death Actually (Ghost)
The Tempest (Spirit)
RWTH Science Night 2012: English Through the Ages (Cecily, Student 3)
Robin Hood (Bishop of Coventry, Gravend, Parkyson)
Death on the Mississippi (Charlotte Westscott, Timothy Rockford, Gossip)
“If there isn’t done anything in less than an instant you’ll be beheaded” (The Queen, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland)
“What have we here, a man or a fish? Dead or alive? A fish, he smells like a fish” […] “Four legs and two voices; a most delicate monster: his forward voice now is to speak well of his friend; his backward voice, is to utter foul speeches, an to detract” (Trinculo und Stefano, The Tempest)
“Oh, I pity any poor married woman whose husband is not called Earnest” (Cecily, The Importance of Being Earnest)
Lieblingsnascherei im Backstagebereich:
Schokolade und was der Lars sonst noch so produziert
Drei Wörter zu Actor’s Nausea:
verrückt, liebenswert, lustig
Das schwerste bisher:
die P****-Übung 😉
Das schönste bisher:
auf der Bühne zu stehen mit all den netten Menschen
Ich grüße:
alle meine Fans und Freunde 🙂