Vinay Krupakaran

Macht im richtigen Leben:
Software Engineer

Dabei seit:

Stücke und Rollen:
Kill me, deadly (Clive Clairmont, Dewey)
Jane Eyre (St. John Rivers, Richard Mason)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes, John Openshaw, Sterndale)
Witness for the Prosecution (Sir Wilfred Robarts)
Dracula (Dracula)

“My name is Sherlock Holmes”, Sherlock Holmes

“And there’s some of his brains!”, Dewey

3 Wörter zu Actor’s Nausea:
I can’t count

Das schwerste bisher:
Completing a set of performances knowing it has ended

Das schönste bisher:
The people. (and the fact that you can be anything you want on stage)

The fear of long words is called Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia