Marcos de Luis Bolinaga
Real-life occupation:
Architecture / Design
With us since:
Plays and roles:
The Expert (The Boss)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde)
RWTH Science Night 2016: Say Goodbye the English Way
A Tomb with a View (Dora Lucrezia Tomb)
RWTH Science Night 2017: Mojo Man (Mickey), Chocolate Affair (M)
Macbeth (Co-Director)
Favorite Quotes:
“Ah, sliced bread. A wonderful Lady Macbeth.” (Chandler Bing, Friends)
“Life is too short to learn German” (Oscar Wilde)
Favorite backstage snack:
Elli’s or Néo’s cake. Both, if possible.
Actor’s Nausea in three words:
The hardest part so far:
“Pillars of society” instead of “Pillows of sow-ciety”.
The best part so far:
The moment when it all clicks and everyone is in-character for the first time.
Greetings to: