Sonja Kellermann

Real-life occupation:

With us since:
Winter 2010

Plays and roles:
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Backstage)
Metamorphoses (Mida’s Daughter, Hunger)
Lysistrata (female statue)
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Alice)
The Tempest (Gonzala)
RWTH Science Night 2012: English Through the Ages (Guildenstern, Designer)
Robin Hood (Lady Ricarda de la Lee)
Death on the Mississippi (Salome Otterbourne)

Favorite Quotes:
“We’re all mad here!” Cheshire Cat, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
“In the name of … something holy!” Gonzala, The Tempest

Favorite backstage snack:

Actor’s Nausea in three words:
really crazy lot

The hardest part so far:
not being allowed to laugh

The best part so far:
the fun in the backstage area

Greetings to:
all the small helpers and our audience of course