A Tomb With a View
by Norman Robbins
January 21st and 22nd, 2017
Just imagine a dark evening in late autumn. Rain and fog restrain the view, you can hardly see a couple of inches far. At the end of the long driveway that you are passing, a stately mansion, surrounded by a huge, old garden, is rising. It occurs to you quite soon that this pleasant garden with its rosebushes and marigolds holds a couple of dark secrets. The garden belongs to Monument House, which is the residence of the venerable Tomb family. After weeks of waiting, the time has come: The will of Septimus Tomb, the deceased head of the family, is to be read out. But to the surprise of the attendees, the executor of the will states that there is another, unknown heir. Shortly afterwards, a second case of death occurs…
“A Tomb with a View,” written in the 1970s by Norman Robbins, is Actors Nausea’s 26th play.
Directed by
Elisabeth Raasch, Christine Knorr
Hamilton Penworthy – Pepe Sánchez-Molero
Lucien Tomb – Jens Wischnewsky
Dora Lucrezia Tomb – Marcos de Luis Bolinaga
Emily Tomb – Katharina Hirsch
Marcus Tomb – Yannick Schornstein
Anne Elisabeth Franklin – Katharina Kröcker
Agatha Hammond – Bianca Schüller
Freda Mountjoy – Eva Johanna Onkels
Peregrine (Perry) Potter – René Glebke
Monica Tomb – Natasha Simon
Oliver Tomb – Christine Knorr
René Glebke, Elisabeth Raasch, Christine Knorr
Costumes, Make-up and Hair
Katharina Kröcker, Katharina Hirsch, Cristina Montelongo
Marcos de Luis Bolinaga, Pepe Sánchez-Molero
Christine Knorr, Bianca Schüller
Light, Sound and Effects
Matthias Schaffrath
Public Relations
Eva Johanna Onkels, Katharina Kröcker
Yannick Schornstein, Christine Knorr
Posters and Programme
Marcos de Luis Bolinaga, Pepe Sánchez-Molero
Box Office and Bar
Lars Raasch
Special thanks to
Kulturbetrieb der Stadt Aachen; Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst; RWTH Aachen Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Romanistik (IfAAR); die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Bibliothek der Anglistik, Prof. Dr. Peter Wenzel, Prof. Dr. Stella Neumann, Dr. Nicole Hützen, Jitka Krützen, Sandra Meis (Stadt Aachen), Condra e.V., Thomas Bender, Cristina Montelongo, Thomas Michalski, Julia Fink, Matthias Schaffrath, Néomi Havinga, Lars Raasch, Louis Morris, Karim Azmani (Radio am Alex), Sabine Lebek (Hochschulradio RWTH Aachen), Rolf Everding (WEG Merowinger Residenz), Jonas Freiwald, Hendrik Simon and everyone supporting us with dedication every day!