by Sophokles
In a modern English adaption by Ian Johnston
Spring 2015
Two brothers at war, killed by each other’s hand. A decree, granting the one full burial rites, and denying the other one any. Now, which are the most crucial, most fundamental laws humans have to obey? Is it faith, or loyalty?
Instead of alterning reign in Thebes, Eteocles and Polynices fought each other for the throne. Eteocles was not willing to resign his position as King of Thebes for the upcoming year and let Polynices reign, as they had decided on, so the latter attacked the city to obtain the throne by force. During the war that arose from their desires the two brothers engaged in single combat and struck each other down. When their uncle Creon ascended the throne, he decreed that Polynices was a traitor and thus was to be denied burial.
Now it is upon the sisters Antigone and Ismene to decide whether to follow the laws of the gods and bury their brother Polynices, or obeying Creon’s decree – even if it means their death.
Actor’s Nausea brings an over 2450 years old play* back to life and shows that human tragedy transcends time.
* Premiered c. 442 BC
Directed by
Elisabeth Raasch
Assistant to the Director: Natalia Petrova
Creon, King of Thebes – Nils Kuphal
Antigone, Daughter of Oedipus – Katharina Kröcker
Ismene, Antigone’s sister – Zoé Rehder
Eurydice, Creon’s wife – Natalia Petrova
Haemon, Creon’s son – David Lorch
Teiresia, an old, blind prophet – Christine Knorr
A guard – Eva Johanna Onkels
A messenger – Charis Luvangadio
Chorus Leader – René Glebke
A young Theban girl – Katharina Hirsch
A former soldier – Jens Wischnewsky
An old Theban woman – Natalia Petrova
Special appearance – Tim Claahsen
Costumes, Make-up and Hair
Katharina Hirsch, Katharina Kröcker, Zoé Rehder and Cast
Tim Claahsen, René Glebke, Katharina Hirsch, Nils Kuphal, Natalia Petrova
Light, Sound and Effects
Matthias Schaffrath, Jens Wischnewsky
Lars Raasch
Public Relations
Charis Luvangadio, Eva Johanna Onkels
Posters and Programme
Thomas Michalski
Box Office, Bar and Stage Hands
Tobias Grosskreutz, Marie-Lyne Macel, Julian Steinbock
Sincere Thanks to
AHZ/ WEG Merowinger Residenz: Rolf Everding, Anna Hirsch, AStA der RWTH Aachen/ Redaktion 90 Sekunden, Familie Kuphal, Frank Moll, Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Romanistik der RWTH Aachen: Prof. Ludwig Deringer, Jitka Krützen, Prof. Dr. Stella Neumann, Jürgen Osthoff, Ulrike Stalinski, Prof. Dr. Peter Wenzel, Julian Steinbock, Kai Kuzina, Klenkes Stadtmagazin Aachen, Kulturbetrieb der Stadt Aachen/ Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst: Sandra Meis, Michael Weihmann, Lars Raasch, Lehrstuhl für Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme (Informatik IV) der RWTH Aachen: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Wehrle, Marie-Lyne Macel, Matthias Schaffrath, Michael Hirsch, Moviebeta/ Pixel Produktion, Néomi Havinga, Stoffe Mommertz, Studentenwerk Aachen: Miriam Piel, Thomas Bender, Thomas Michalski, Tobias Cronert, Tobias Grosskreutz, WDR Lokalzeit Aachen, wg-gesucht.de, Zeitungsverlag Aachen GmbH
…and everyone suporting us with dedication every day!