by William Shakespeare
January 25- 28, 2018
Power, greed, the human fate and the supernatural: these are the basic ingredients of Shakespeare’s thrilling and enthralling tragedy Macbeth. Written around 1606 by William Shakespeare, Macbeth focuses on the roots of evil in the human being like no other play by the bard. Neither Othello, whose hero made a single false step, nor King Lear, whose main character is cruelly punished for his stubbornness, confronts the audience with a man who is cruel and striving for power like Macbeth.
The play shows the rise of the Scottish nobleman, his despotic reign, and his final downfall. Historical facts about the real, and indeed extremely successful Scottish King Macbeth and the contemporary King James I are blended with superstition, mythology, and fiction. Macbeth is all about mankind’s eagerness for power; it deals with destiny and fore-ordination as well as with guilt and atonement.
In this spirit, let‘s close by saying: “Something wicked this way comes.”
Elisabeth MacRaasch
Marcos de Luis MacBolinaga
Macbeth – Pepe MacSánchez-Molero
Lady Macbeth/ Lady MacDuff – Katharina MacHirsch
MacDuff/ Banquo/ Apparitions – Christine MacKnorr
Malcolm/ Doctor – Bianca MacSchüller
Duncan/ Porter/ Caithness – Natasha MacSimon
Ross/ Gentlewoman – Eva Johanna MacOnkels
Seyton/ Captain/ Servant – Jens MacWischnewsky
Murderer 1 – Nilda MacKipi
Witch 1/ Menteith – Jennifer MacFischer
Witch 2/ Lennox/ Murderer 2 – Manon MacMartins
Witch 3/ Fleance/ Boy/ Old Man/ Murderer 3 – Fynn MacFabry
Marcos de Luis MacBolinaga, Pepe MacSánchez-Molero
Costumes, Make-up and Hair
Katharina MacHirsch, Christine MacKnorr, Fynn Mac Fabry
Christine MacKnorr, Fynn MacFabry, Bianca MacSchüller
Music Composer
Hendrik MacSimon
Natasha MacSimon, Marcos de Luis MacBolinaga
Light and FX
Matthias MacSchaffrath
Jens MacWischnewsky, Natasha MacSimon, Nilda MacKipi
(Teaser available on YouTube)
Manon MacMartins, Fynn MacFabry
Public Relations
Eva Johanna MacOnkels, Bianca MacSchüller
Lars MacRaasch
Christine MacKnorr, Elisabeth MacRaasch, René MacGlebke,
Special Thanks to
Kulturbetrieb der Stadt Aachen; Ludwig Forum für Internationale Kunst; RWTH Aachen Institut für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Romanistik (IfAAR); die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Bibliothek der Anglistik, Prof. Dr. Peter Wenzel, Prof. Dr. Stella Neumann, Dr. Nicole Hützen, Dr. Rebekah Wegener, Jitka Krützen, Sandra Meis (Stadt Aachen), Lehrstuhl für Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme der RWTH Aachen: Prof. Dr. Klaus Wehrle, Condra e.V., Aachener Nachrichten, Aachener Zeitung, Klenkes, Klenkes neo, Karim Azmani (Radio Am Alex), Thomas Bender, Julia Fink, Matthias Schaffrath, Néomi Havinga, Lars Raasch, Rolf Everding (WEG Merowinger Residenz), Stoffe Mommertz, die Sternsinger von St. Lambertus und St. Barbara Hückelhoven, Fam. Knorr, Stefan Kinting (Grotesque Absinth-Bar), Susanne Evans, Nikola Evans, Hannah Evans, Nina Neidhardt, Birgit Alewelt, Maria Collée – and to all those supporting us in making the magic of theatre happen again!
by Thomas Bender