Natalia Simon

(née Petrova)

With us since:

Plays and roles: 
RWTH Science Night 2013 (New Ms Anderson / Lisa)
Death on the Mississippi (Gossip Girl, Voodoo Priestess)
Dead White Males (Melissa)
Antigone (Eurydice/ old Theban woman, assistant to the director)
A Tomb with a View (Monica Tomb)
RWTH Wissenschaftsnacht 2017: Keep It Short – A Night of Short Plays (Justine)
Macbeth (Duncan/ Porter/ Caithness)

Favorite Quote: 
“I can resist anything except temptation.” (Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan)

Favorite backstage snack:
Elli’s cakes

Actor’s Nausea in three words:
Creatively Organised Chaos

The hardest part so far:
Trying not to crack while watching other actors go wild during the last performance

The best part so far:
Watching other actors go wild during the last performance